Brazil: Goodman X Pull & Pour X Vinhal coffee collaboration

Brazil: Goodman X Pull & Pour X Vinhal coffee collaboration

from $23.00

Goodman Coffee is doing a joint release with Andrew of Pull & Pour to present some exciting coffees coming out of Brazil. The coffees consist of three experimental fermentations done by Rafael Vinhal of Vinhal Estates

Vinhal Estates is a 3rd generation coffee farm based in Minas Gerais in the Cerrado Mineiro region. The Vinhal family has been hard at work since 1988 in the production of coffee in the region. They care passionately about the quality of their production before and after harvesting and finding new ways to improve upon their methods. The constant drive to produce the best, forward thinking product they can has landed them the title of Cerrado’s pioneers of fermentation. They care about every element of the coffee, from the land and planet that it comes from, to employees and ultimately the consumer.

Pull & Pour is the project of our friend, Andrew Pautler. Andrew is devoted to the future of coffee and education from farm to cup. Pull & Pour is a huge resource for baristas and home brewers alike as Andrew showcases all things coffee.

These coffees are designed to wow people about the capabilities of the bean that we all know and love. We’re so excited to share them and the story of the Vinhal family with you! enjoy!

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